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Another busy day

by RSF |

This Friday was a busy day for Rainbow® Sandals Foundation. First, we had Cynthia from Laguna Food Pantry (LFP) stop by to pick up organic oranges and lemons; LFP is open five days a week, helping food-insecure individuals and families. Then Second Harvest Food Bank picked up 1 bin of oranges and lemons that will be redistributed to their partners throughout orange county. After, Herman from Rainbow® Sandals Foundation went to Mercy Warehouse in Laguna Niguel and gave them 1 bin of organic oranges for their food distribution that takes place 3 times a week. The day's last stop was 2nd Time Store in Tustin, and they received 1 bin of oranges. We want to thank our partner TEPA Produce and these wonderful non-profits for helping us help others.